What are the skills that are in trend for gaining employment in the Hospitality Industry

access_time 1603881000000 face Manish Gupta
What are the skills that are in trend for gaining employment in the Hospitality Industry Are you looking to gain employment in the Hospitality Industry? #CoronaCrisis has created lot of threats and employment opportunities in the hospitality industry space and education space. Learn from #hotelindus...

Strategies you need to master to Sell hotels and restaurants in 2022

access_time 2022-10-05T06:13:16.671Z face Manish Gupta
Strategies you need to master to Sell hotels and restaurants in 2022 Pandemic will make it difficult to sell hotels if you dont have a specific strategy. The competition will increase due to lower demand, read how to sell here! [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the current situation, it is impo...

Branding for hospitality Industry and Steps in branding you need to master

access_time 1605443400000 face Manish Gupta
Branding for hospitality Industry and Steps in branding you need to master Branding in the hospitality industry separates them from the competition and often Guests and customers relate themselves to the hotel brand. Learn key steps in branding free here Guests and customers generally identify thems...

11 most common hotel guest complaints you need to know and how to handle them

lock Member-only access_time 1610627400000 face Manish Gupta
11 most common hotel guest complaints & how to handle them 11 most common hotel guest complaints that you need to understand. Managers need to know how to recover the guest issues to maintain guest loyalty. Read here Customer Loyalty is important in achieving profitability in the hotel business. Loy...

How Hospitality Industry has evolved and handled crisis in history

access_time 1607250600000 face Manish Gupta
How Hospitality Industry has evolved and handled crisis in history Hospitality Industry has evolved in history from many crises. Learning the History of the hospitality industry will help and motivation to come out of crises in future. Why do We need to know the History of the Hotel Industry? The pa...